Watermark settings

Watermarks using text and/or a picture image can be added to a report before it is exported or printed.

Text watermark

To add a text watermark:

  1. Click the Watermark button Watermark  button on the toolbar and the Watermark dialog will open.
  2. Click the Text Watermark tab.
  3. Text Watermark tab

  4. Enter the waterwark text in the Text field.
  5. If required, specify other text properties (direction, color, font, size, transparency).
  6. Specify All Pages or a restricted page range for the watermark in the Page Range section of the dialog. Separate page numbers with commas, or specify page ranges using a dash.

Picture watermark

To add an image as a watermark:

  1. Click the Watermark button on the toolbar and the Watermark dialog will open.
  2. Click the Picture Watermark tab.
  3. Picture Watermark tab

  4. Load the image and customize its properties (size mode, horizontal and vertical alignment, tiling, transparency, etc.).
  5. Specify All Pages or a restricted page range for the watermark in the Page Range section of the dialog. Separate page numbers with commas, or specify page ranges using a dash.

Remove a watermark

To remove watermark(s) from a report:

  1. Click the Watermark button Watermark  button on the toolbar and the Watermark dialog will open.
  2. Click the Clear All button in the dialog. The watermark will be removed from the preview pane.
  3. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.